“Trichostema Arizonicum / Arizona Bluecurls “
It is a perennial plant in the mint family Lamiaceae native to the Southwestern United States (Arizona, New Mexico, Texas) and northwestern Mexico. Found in Madera Canyon, it has striking curling flowers. The graceful stamens that curl around to dab pollen on the backs of insect pollinators.
Duration: Perennial
Growth Habit: Subshrub
Arizona Native Status: Native
Habitat: Upland, Mountain (lower elevation)
Flower Color: Bicolored violet-blue and white
Flowering Season: Summer, Fall. wildflower blooms from July to October.
Height: To 2 feet (61 cm) tall
The flowers are in loose, axillary clusters. The individual flowers have 5 lobes and an arc of 4 curling stamens that are up to 1 inch (2.5 cm) long. The lowest flower lobe is dark violet-blue with ruffled edges, while the other 4 lobes are white. The leaves are small, green, opposite, and oblong to ovate in shape.